A tale of two schools

This is a short story about how Bedford School welcomed boys from Victoria College, Jersey whilst the island was under German occupation in WWII. In an old edition of a Bedford School Magazine, there was a short article about these events and it was named ‘a tale of two schools’ hence the blog title.

I was recently given a few documents by a school teacher outlining the events of the Jersey occupation and the particular impact this had on Bedford School. What is especially interesting about this story is the legacy it left behind and how the connections made nearly 80 years ago still live on.

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When Jersey fell on July 1st 1940 to German occupation, the island was under immense pressure to keep everyone safe. There was no official evacuation which meant although many Jersey citizens managed to get to the British mainland there was no clear idea of numbers. Victoria College’s Headmaster was already in England with a group of boys taking public examinations.

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Evacuation scenes at the Weighbridge, St. Helier, 20. June 1940

In August, the Headmaster, Mr Grummitt, decided to try and establish a version of Victoria College in England for those students who had been evacuated. As the evacuation was not official, nobody knew the exact number of boys who had been able to escape. Bedford School’s Headmaster and Governors agreed to take on these boys, offering a temporary boarding house at 19 Lansdowne Road. Bedford became therefore the only Public School in England to give hospitality to pupils from another school, which had been captured by the Germans.

As one of the acting Headmasters of Victoria College stated: ‘this was a great opportunity and those Victorians who profited owe a debt which can never be repaid.’ Despite only having only 34 boys towards the latter stages of 1940 at Bedford School, their impact was significant. The boys, once they had settled in, thrived in their academic studies with many notable achievements.

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Victoria College, Jersey

One boy in particular it seems did very well whilst studying in Bedford. Derek Benest achieved an open scholarship at New College Oxford, in History and Modern languages, a state scholarship, and a Government Scholarship for Oriental Studies. Victorians though were also engaged with the renowned wider curriculum which has always occurred at Bedford. Benest was in fact the President of the Bedford School Debating society, which is a group still active today.

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Bedford School

In terms of sport, Jersey were known for football and hockey which differed from Bedford School in 1940 which of course was very much focused on rugby, rowing and cricket. This though gave a chance to try something new and the Victorians embraced the opportunity. In fact, they had their own Head Boy, colours and caps, so for the boys it felt like a ‘home from home’.

Back in Jersey during the German occupation, Victoria College was commandeered for the Reich Labour Service. College House, which was a boarding house attached to the school, was used by the German army as a key strategic location.

Perhaps though it is the legacy which I find most interesting. Each year, Bedford Prep School take a Year 6 Sports Trip to Jersey whereby boys from both schools compete in various sports including the traditional association football, hockey, cricket and also now rugby! When I went on the trip in 2013 with the school, I remember the quality particularly of Victoria College’s football team which included some highly skilled players. The score I think was a narrow 1-0 defeat but maybe my memory is being generous to myself!

The Victorians showed their gratitude to the Bedford staff and pupils for their hospitality in the war years in a number of ways. It was most memorably seen by the oak panel inscribed at the entrance of the old Great Hall. A leather book containing the names of those boys from Jersey who had come to Bedford School was also presented.

In terms of wider connections, whilst it is not directly linked to WWII, Bedford Blues, our local rugby team, have in recent years developed a fierce rivalry with the Jersey Reds. This game often sees supporters travel across the water to watch the hotly anticipated games.

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Bedford Blues vs Jersey Reds

All in all, out of adversity a wonderful relationship was formed between two great schools with connections that are still prospering today. As a Bedford School report writes ‘those who came as strangers remained as friends.’

More blogs are on the way this summer…. Share, comment and do get in touch- would love to hear from Bedford historians!



Article from the Victoria College at Bedford School News Letter Liberation Number, July, 1945, No.10

Bedford School Archives

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